Well I know where mine has taken me. Good, Happy, Satisfied. My graduation part
y was so amazing. With the family I love around me celebrating and having a great time together. With my true friends standing by my side laughing, playing games, and eating tons of food. Cj surprising me by showing up with his family in a parade. I have never been so happy in my life,then on that day. It was truly just an all around great day. So many family friends and family members
that I never get to see came down and had a great time with all the rest of us.
Then the family recovered from the party and went on our own little adventure, camping. That
was so peaceful. We went to the middle of nowhere, set up camp, and just lived alone. There were trails that we walked, sites to see that were just truly amazing, and some AWESOME food to be cooked. It ended all way to soon. But i know we'll do it all again real soon.
Then we were going to go boating as a family. Well we did. And while we were on the water it was amazing. I missed being out on the water so much. It was short lived because still have a few things to fix on the boat but that's why we went out, was to see what all needed done after the boat sat for a boating season and a half.

And now just this past Wednesday Mom, Jon, Sydney, My friend Donny and I went on an unknown adventure. W
e loaded up and just started driving around. We ended up at White house fruit farms to start, then after playing with Bonni (the greatest dog ever) and getting donuts, we went and played in their play house which is totally awesome. Then after all the fun was done t
here, we loaded back up in moms truck and headed in boardmen direction. To finally end up stopping a hobby lobby which turned in to an AWESOME time. Who would have thought in a craft store we would end up laughing so hard we were brought t
o tears. Donny and i were walking behind mom where we found these little hand held fans that looked like people and their faces were the fans. Well as we were playing with them running all the
batteries out, we noticed a BIG sign that said, BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED...... they all HAD batteries. That's how we were all able to play with them . lol. Then Jon came and drug me down an isle which turned into a fashion show. lol..... after a gr
eat time at Hobby Lobby, we loaded back up and drove around some more, stopped at a few miscellaneous shop
s and then got lunch at the food court. Teriakyi chicken of course. then we came home, but not done yet. After getting our second wind, jon Donny, Sydney and I loaded up in my truck and went to the park. we had so much fun i can't even explain i
t. By the end Sydney wasn't even on her leash because she was running in tail with us and having so much fun on the slide. Donny and I ran to get ice cream for everybody, and when we said we were getting ice cream
for the dog they put biskets in her ice cream. so cute..... OMG they had this giant (Frying pan) looking thing that was no an angle, well when i got in it, i realized it spun, but not till after i tried to stand
up in it and it spun around on me lol. I was then on my head but still in this crazy thing and Jon found great pleasure in spinning me around and around and around. Greatest invention EVER. We all eventually were riding it and laughing so hard that we could breathe. Then we finally came home and called it a day after posting over 200 pics on facebook. :-)

Then the family recovered from the party and went on our own little adventure, camping. That
Then we were going to go boating as a family. Well we did. And while we were on the water it was amazing. I missed being out on the water so much. It was short lived because still have a few things to fix on the boat but that's why we went out, was to see what all needed done after the boat sat for a boating season and a half.
And now just this past Wednesday Mom, Jon, Sydney, My friend Donny and I went on an unknown adventure. W